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Flexible circuit board

address:6/F, Building J, Zhongxi Industrial Park, Buyong Community, Shajing Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen
Phone:+86 0755-23022087

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Material:  soft calendered copper

Board Tickness: 0.1-0.2mm

Layers: 1-2 L

Copper Tickness: 0.3-1oz

Solder Mask: yellow,black,

Silk Screen: White,

Finishing: OSP,ENIG

WELCOME TO Shenzhen Goodmin Electronic Co.,Ltd

Address:6/F, Building J, Zhongxi Industrial Park, Buyong Community, Shajing Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen  

Tel:+86 0755-23022087  

Fax:+86 0755-23022087

mobile:+86 136 3164 4816  

Wechat:+86 136 3164 4816  

Whatsapp:+86 136 3164 4816